(COVID-19 Emergency Response Unit Regular Press Conference) Gyeonggi Province to establish 72 temporary screening clinics—active testing essential even for asymptomatic individuals

Createdd 2020-12-15 Hit 450


○ Gyeonggi Province to establish temporary screening clinics at Suwon Station and Beomgye Station for public convenience
– 72 new clinics to be installed; 52 clinics to be completed by December 15; remaining 20 to be established sequentially
– 2,938 tests performed at 39 temporary screening clinics as of midnight, December 15; 0 confirmed cases found
○ 684 beds secured at ten clinics for regular patients as of midnight, December 15; 86.5% (592 beds) currently occupied
– 48 of 49 beds for critical patients currently occupied
○ 4 additional community treatment centers to be established by end of month; maximum capacity of 2,876 patients

Gyeonggi Province announced that it has established a total of 52 temporary COVID-19 screening clinics as of December 15, requesting active public participation in preemptive testing.
During a regular press conference on December 15, COVID-19 Emergency Response Unit co-head Lee Hee-yeong announced that a total of 52 temporary screening clinics will be set up in accessible locations, including Suwon Station and Beomgye Station, by the end of the day. Lee also mentioned that, in order to avert a third wave of COVID-19 infections, it is important to preemptively identify asymptomatic cases. Therefore, residents are being asked to visit the temporary screening clinics even if they are not exhibiting any symptoms such as fevers or respiratory problems.
A total of 2,938 residents have been tested at 39 temporary screening clinics in Gyeonggi Province as of midnight on December 15 with no positive cases having been identified. Gyeonggi Province will establish 20 additional temporary screening clinics following December 16 in consideration of area circumstances for a total of 72 clinics.
As of midnight on December 15, 684 beds for regular patients had been secured from ten clinics with 86.5% (592 beds) currently being occupied. In terms of critical patients, 48 of the 49 designated beds are currently occupied.
Gyeonggi Province’s community treatment centers #3, #4, #6, #7 and #8 are occupied by 1,115 patients, accounting for 89.3% of total capacity as of 6 PM on December 14, with space for 133 new patients remaining. The SK Telecom Human Resources Development Center in Icheon was designated as the 9th community treatment center on December 14, and the Seongnam Citizens Medical Center has been designated as a dedicated hospital with 71 wards for 142 inpatients.
Gyeonggi Province plans to establish four additional community treatment centers before the end of December. Kyonggi University’s Suwon Campus dormitories, the Korea Expressway Corporation Training Center, Cheonan Sangnok Resort, and Goyang Dongyang Human Resources Center will be able to accommodate 2,000, 206, 440 and 230 patients, respectively.
Designation of the Korea Standard Association Learning Center in Anseong City and the dormitories of Hankyong National University as additional community treatment centers is being discussed. Resorts, university dormitories, and other suitable facilities are being considered for use as treatment centers in cooperation with local governments.
As of 10 PM on December 14, Gyeonggi Province had 278 home-care monitoring personnel drawn from 25 cities and counties, 16 of whom have been transferred to medical institutions and 88 to community treatment centers.
Lee said, “The recent COVID-19 wave entails the full implementation of our quarantine measures. In this time when asymptomatic and uninfected individuals co-mingle, social distancing through the avoidance of private gatherings and multi-purpose facilities is the most effective means by which to safeguard others as well as ourselves.”