Gyeonggi Province to Strengthen Promotion of COVID-19 Prevention Measures Among Foreign Residents
Createdd 2020-02-09 Hit 336
○ Gyeonggi Province officials met to discuss promotional efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among foreign residents.
– The meeting was attended by 20 officials of Gyeonggi Province, foreigner rights protection centers and city and county foreigner welfare centers.
○ The officials decided to actively carry out promotional efforts through social media in areas with large foreigner populations.
– Promotional materials were created in multiple languages and distributed to foreigner support organizations and groups.
– Gyeonggi Province also distributed promotional materials to construction sites and urged voluntary preventive action.
Gyeonggi Province, in cooperation with foreigner welfare centers in cities and counties, will strengthen promotional efforts among foreign residents so as to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections.
On March 7, at the Ansan Global Multicultural Center, 20 officials of Gyeonggi Province including Labor Bureau Director General Ryu Gwang-yeol, Foreigner Policy Division Director Hong Dong-gi and Foreigner Rights Protection Center Director Oh Gyeong-seok as well as representatives of city and county foreigner welfare centers met to discuss measures to expand promotional efforts among foreign residents so as to slow the spread of COVID-19 infections.
The meeting participants discussed details of related efforts being promoted at each welfare center.
They decided to carry out promotional efforts through social media that many foreigners use for resident or community meetings, including Facebook and WeChat, in order to keep them updated with guidance on infection prevention and the latest information in their languages in real time.
In addition, for those who have difficulties accessing the Internet or who do not use welfare centers, promotional materials and banners will be distributed and installed in areas with large foreign populations so as to eliminate blind spots in prevention awareness.
For cities and counties that do not have a foreign welfare center, Gyeonggi Province plans to collect feedback from private foreigner organizations active in sich regions through meetings and to set out support plans.
Prior to this meeting, Gyeonggi identified areas with a large foreigner populations and created promotional materials on COVID-19 prevention in English, Chinese and Korean for distribution to foreigner support organizations and groups in such areas, asking them to actively carry out related promotional efforts.
Considering that many foreign workers are employed in construction, Gyeonggi Province also distributed promotional materials to public and private construction sites and requested the promotion of voluntary preventive measures by the Construction Association of Korea and Korea Specialty Contractors Association.
“After reviewing proposals made at this meeting, we will take prompt action including requesting the adoption of the suggested measures by relevant government departments. We will maintain close cooperation with related organizations so that we can actively undertake promotional efforts throughout the province, leaving no blind spots in prevention awareness,” said Labor Bureau Director General Ryu Gwang-yeol.