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No. 649
Hwasung Grape is on its way to overseas!
Last month, Gyeonggi signed an agreement for the export of Hwasung grape, which allowed exporting of 250t grapes to overseas. For the commemoration of signing this Agreement, the province opened a cere[...]
No. 648
‘Foreign Friends Helpers’of Gyeonggi
Inauguration Ceremony and Training held on August 17 Special support for the foreign locals and visitors! Gyeonggi's official 'Foreign Friends Helpers' to give convenience in foreigner's local life and[...]
No. 647
New Digital World bringing Family Closer
On August 10, Gyeonggi province held 'IT Contest for 3 Generations of One Family' with 60 persons of 20 families at Gyeonggi Official Training Center. Various events such as 'send e-mail everyday', 'le[...]
No. 646
A flag of love for freedom and human rights!’Undergraduate Wanderer for Peace’
150 undergraduate students to travel 340kms of tragic division land on foot The kick-off ceremony for '2006 Undergraduate Wanderer for Peace', in which the students will be marching the divided land be[...]
No. 645
Great leisure life in Gyeonggi!
Landfills to transform into theme parks in 2012 Gyeonggi province reported that 32 landfills in the province will be transformed into great parks providing excellent resting places to the local such as[...]
No. 644
Brand new bus for Gyeonggi!
- A new bus system leads off! A new brand and its application matrix for Gyeonggi's bus which was developed to standardize and upgrade the level of provincial bus were finalized in July, 2006. The fina[...]
No. 643
Gyeonggi’s Task Force Team kicked off for the traffic control!
- Call the toll free number for TF Team! 080-249-8200 Gyeonggi decided to form a temporary TF Team to ease traffic congestion until their currently undergoing network reorganization completes. T[...]
No. 642
A Living Venus de Milo, visits Welfare Facilities for the Disabled
A living Venus de Milo, Alison Lapper visited welfare facilities for the disabled in Goyang City, Gyeonggi-do British mouth and foot painting artist and photographer, Alison Lapper (41), also known as[...]
No. 641
Tum-tumpty tum tum, Hey it’s great!
Cultural experiences for the soldiers of US Forces in Korea and local undergraduates On July 21, Gyeonggi's special commission for the transfer of USFK held a Culture tour event for the soldiers of USF[...]
No. 640
Gyeonggi-do Institute of Heath and Environment intensifies the Dioxin monitoring system.
Gyeonggi-do Institute of Heath and Environment so called KIHE has been carrying out the monitoring program to restrict the level of dioxin in the air and soil. Gyeonggi's implemented dioxin restriction[...]