Yeongneung, Nyeongneung Royal Tombs
Createdd 2016-04-19 Hit 1225
Designation Number | Historic Site No. 195 |
Date of Designation | May 26, 1970 |
Age | Joseon Dynasty |
Location | 83-1 Wangdae-ri, Neungseo-myeon, Yeoju-si, Gyeonggi-do |
▒ Yeongneung Royal Tomb ▒
This is a joint tomb where King Sejong, Joseon’s 4th king, and his wife Queen Soheonwanghu were buried together. A geographical feature of Youngneung signifying good fortune is a scene of a phoenix’s landing with open wings. Furthermore, the tomb looks straight south and thus it is told to be a site where a spirit can maintain a country for ten thousand ages, which is called Moranbangaehyeong (牧丹半開形). If you enter the main gate of Yeongneung, you can see the Statue of King Sejong on the right and the Sejongjeon Memorial Hall of King Sejong is on the left. The surroundings were rearranged between 1975 and 1977..
While walking on the fields after passing Hunminmun Gate, you can see a red gate with a spiked top and a T-shaped house. On the hillside, there is joint tomb with a stone statue, stone horse, and statues of both robes in front. This tomb is called Yeongneung where King Sejong, the greatest king in Joseon Dynasty’s 500-year history, is buried. This tomb used to be in Mt.Daemosan in Gwangju but was moved here in 1469 when King Yejong was in control.There is a legend that the history of the Joseon Dynasty was prolonged for 100 years thanks to the movement of this tomb.
▒ Nyeongreung Royal Tomb ▒
Nyeongreung is a twin tomb where King Hyojong (1619-1659), Joseon’s 17th king, and Mrs. Jang, Queen Inseonwanghu were buried. There are also green fields and many pine trees surrounding the tomb of King Hyojong, but King Hyojong’s tomb is more silent compared to King Sejong’s tomb as fewer people come to visit it. Waters flow between the red gate and T-shaped house after passing around the tomb, and there is a bridge called Geumcheongyo that makes for beautiful scenery with the surrounding view. King Hyojong tried to solve people’s problems by enacting the Daedong Act to reduce taxes and by executing currency reform, etc. King Hyojong contributed to raising the productivity of Korea’s agricultural industry by revising the calendar system and issuing various agricultural textbooks.Most importantly, King Hyojong established a policy to conquer the north, reinforced armaments and strengthened military drills. These improvements were made to take revenge on the Cheong Nation for Korea’s defeat in the Byeongjahoran War. However, King Hyojong did not realize his dream as he died in Daejojeon, Changdeokkung Palace at the age of 41 when only 10 years had passed after he had become king. This tomb used to be in Geonwonreung, Yangju and it was moved here in 1647 when King Hyeonjong was Korea’s king.
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